Kiss Kiss emerged out of New York, releasing Reality vs. The Optimist on Eyeball Records in 2006. Their EP (Eyeball Records, 2005) depicts a rougher dose of their mad scientist experimental debut. The five piece descends from a neo-Vincent Price sonic castle enveloped in lightning flashes of violin and creatively chants from Josh Benash.
At the same time, this Jekyll & Hyde cacophony sounds captivatingly gorgeous. Says My Doctor, a seesawing shanty teetering with deliberately restrained theatrical vocals. Josh unleashes them, letting a Jekyll of screamed words at determined intervals. It lacks the spontaneity of, say The Blood Brothers, yet is as chaotic instrumentally. Just past the twisted gate of …Doctor lies Thought You Spoke with theremin-like, mesmerizing violin from Rebecca Schlappich interspersed amongst paradoxically calming lead and backing vocals.

The Hyde of the album arrives in a melange of flute, cello, and synth piano in Drifts and Pulls. A paced, orchestrated piece featuring Rebecca prominently on vocals, proving a gorgeous gem, at times musically overwhelmed, but underused in the group. The two sides are once again reunited in Killing The Son, yet musically tamed due to the previous tracks.
Unbalanced yet controlled, Kiss Kiss created a tantalizing prologue to their tales of orchestral, captivating creativity.
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Rating: 8.5/10
Founder, Editor, Writer, Photographer. (Austin, Texas)
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