Concert Photos

Sunday, May 29th marked the fourth year for Rhymesayers Entertainment’s hip-hop festival, Soundset. What started out as a hip-hop festival in the parking lot in front of the Metrodome in 2008 drew more than 20,000 fans to Canterbury Park this year. Sunday’s attendance marked Soundset t

F.Stokes (Madison), DJ Radish (Madison), Legendary Jackson (Madison)December 26th, 2010The Frequency in Madison, Wisconsin. F.Stokes treats Madison like family. From inviting everyone on stage after over two hours of a set, to passing cookies and inviting friends up for story tim

Minneapolis’ P.O.S. traversed the St. Croix over to Saint-Ouen just north of Paris’ péripherique highway in support of his stellar Never Better, released earlier this year via Rhymesayers. The club is tucked away but still saw a strong showing including a couple more Minneso