Folk Tag

The depth of the Midwest is astounding. From the hidden gem of a waterfall in the Twin Cities to the abrupt “the region is only flat” contradiction that is southwestern Wisconsin when you head towards Iowa down 151, those who explore will be surprised by a subtle treasure. To limit this to geogr

Samantha Glass (Madison, WI), Cains & Abels (Chicago, IL), Golden Donna (Madison, WI), Control (Madison, WI), Finite, Pioneer (Madison, WI), Sleepy Lesbos (Madison, WI), Count This Penny (Madison, WI), Austin Hays, Crane Your Swan Neck (Madison, WI), Chants (Madison, WI), Dou

While listening to Patrick Watson‘s newest album, Adventures In Your Own Backyard, I thought something sounded familiar. Snippets of songs were reminding me of the music from a Spaghetti Western movie – the sub-genre of 1960s Italian-produced western films with their own distinctive mu