A few months back in Logan Square, everyone had started to trickle out of Logan Square Auditorium to catch cabs, the L and buses back home. I was going to join some friends, but instead started talking with the drummer. Congratulations turned into talk about, unexpectedly, another band. Unexpected because Erico Theobaldo was drumming for neo-samba’s terrific Luísa Maita, and here we were talking about his other band, the electronic dance of Telepathique. Once the name of the São Paulo group hit my radar a short time ago, I stopped in those tracks and zeroed in on “Chicken”, the first taste off their recently released All Your Lovers EP. Not so much the actual recorded track, but this vibrant peek into Brazil nightlife through the live video.
In it, you can see the intoxicating blend of synth, chill jazz-influenced drumming, and the freedom in Mylene Pires’ vocals. The EP starts with that track, layered with synths that Mylene’s singing evokes the opening for a 1970s, high contrast film with the purely colorful punctuation of her vocals. It seemingly continues with “All Your Lovers” with its constrained funky bass and stunted, bright guitar…until her singing drops into the chorus into a sort of condemnation. “You can love her. Baby, you can love all your lovers.” Keys drop in, fuzz dominates as she snarls to the point you’re quiet positive her voice is sinister, but soon thereafter, “I’ll be waiting” draws you back delicately. Think “Push It” from Garbage, but more tantalizing and tempting.
“24/07” and “My Friend” ratchet up the dance, subduing the guitars mostly for keys and Euro-house synths. The former has short little guitar flourishes, but the tempo and beat just keeps churning forward. The latter, “My Friend,” is the loosest of the EP, which may not seem to fit on its own, but bunched together it continues the electronic haze that takes over the ears till the tremendous “All Your Lovers (Boogie Central Remix)” takes hold. If this is a primer for a full-length, you all have just found a replacement for LCD Soundsystem, but far more tropical and sensual.
Rating: 7.2/10
Founder, Editor, Writer, Photographer. (Austin, Texas)
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