Concert Reviews

David Bazan (Seattle, WA)November 6th, 2012Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis, MN David Bazan is known for his unique and interactive performances, so it was no surprise when he paused halfway through playing Pedro the Lion’s album Control to ask if the nervous election d

Madonna (New York City, NY) and Paul Oakenfold (London)November 3rd, 2012Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, MN Photos by Ryan Siverson, you can see more here: Madonna at the Xcel Energy Center For a certain demographic, pop stars reign as the ultimate in entertainment. With hig

Passion Pit (Cambridge, MA)October 29th, 2012First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN To the unfamiliar, it’s easy to write off Passion Pit as a trendy dance band best left to the barely legal and aging hipsters of the world to admire. However, those who know better recognize the depth, heaviness and sin

Taking Back Sunday (Long Island, NY)October 10th, 2012Turner Hall in Milwaukee, WI “Ten years ago we put out an album, Tell All Your Friends.  It goes like this.” And with that humble introduction, Adam Lazzara launched Milwaukee’s Turner Hall into an album-length trip down

Norah Jones (Brooklyn, NY), Cory Chisel and The Wandering Sons (Appleton, WI)October 8th, 2012Riverside Theater in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Typically when an acclaimed artist is touring behind a fifth album, most fans attend the show, humor the new songs, and wait patiently for the p

Red Baraat (Brooklyn, NY)September 18th, 2012The Mint in Los Angeles, CA Gallery: Jim Brock Photography/©Eye on the Music Since I last caught up with Red Baraat in February, the self described “Brooklyn dhol’n’brass” by way of a second line, has been to the White House,

The Smashing Pumpkins (Chicago, IL), Madina Lake (Chicago, IL)September 30th, 2012Riverside Theater in Milwaukee, Wisconsin On Sunday night, The Smashing Pumpkins returned to Milwaukee’s Riverside Theater for the second time in just under a year.  However, prior