Review: Radiohead – The King of Limbs (2011)
Note: Aster debut’s today from South Carolina. Aster has an electric music background and an amazing talent for making the most perfect pancakes. Let’s welcome Aster to Mezzic!
It’s crazy to me that Radiohead, a band that has been such a substantial part of my youth, has come out with eight albums. There is a special place in my heart for Radiohead. I can’t think of one emotional point in my life that isn’t connected to a Radiohead song. even with their ever-changing sound, I have loved all of them through and through. Each album is brilliant and this album is no exception. Since the album had been scheduled to be released on a Saturday, I planned that weekend accordingly. I pushed aside all other plans and made listneing to that album my top priority. The days that led up to the release left me unbearably excited. You can imagine my delight when the album was released a day early. It was love at first listen.
Everything about the release of Radiohead’s, The King of Limbs was unexpected, from the spontaneous announcement to the length of the album. Even though it’s only 37 minuets long, The King of Limbs is pure musical bliss from start to finish. The first track, “Bloom”, sets the theme of the album well. They’re not following any rules. Musical chaos, if I had to put a name on it. If you’re looking for cheerful, melodic tunes, you’ve come to the wrong place, but would you expect that from Radiohead? Staying true to their roots, they have once again created an album that gives off a dark, yet almost hopeful feel. Each track is unpredictable in it’s arrangement and due to this, listening to them is still refreshing and exciting even though they’re thematically gloomy.
On my first listen, the first tracks that really caught my attention were, “Little By Little”, “Separator”, and “Codex”. All hopelessly beautiful, “Codex” stands apart from the rest of the album. It’s a gorgeous piano piece that is essentially the most like their previous work (think Idioteque-esque)
I can honestly say that the last album I purchased a physical copy of was Radiohead’s In Rainbows back in ’09. Radiohead has outdone themselves this time. They’re selling the world’s first newspaper album. Included is two 10″ clear vinyls, a CD version of The King of Limbs, a digital download and over 600 pieces of artwork all around $50 all together. I can’t wait to receive mine.
Rating: 8.9/10
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