Photos + Review: Demob Happy @ Turf Club (Minneapolis, MN)

Demob Happy (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
November 15th, 2023
Turf Club in Minneapolis, MN

Short and sweet, Demob Happy are good. Real good.

A rock band from the UK, I went into this show as close to blind as I’ve been in a long while.  It had been a bit since my last show so I listened to a song or two (that I really liked) to gauge interest after being invited out.  Color me intrigued and convinced to go out to the Turf Club.  A venue I hadn’t covered a show at in such a long time.

As far as comparisons go, my mind always goes to Royal Blood first.  A very drum-and-bass heavy and centric sounding rock group with a focus on rhythm, groove, and fat riffs.  Dead Poets Society and Nothing But Thieves are also bands that pop up as similar sounding.  I have a soft spot for these types of bands because I love a good riff, and the bassist in me is always thrilled to hear other bassists do their thing.

The band live was a wonderful thing to watch. Their infectious and fun riffs and demeanor on stage kept the crowd entranced and dancing all night.  Each song sounded better than the last. I even learned a little bit actually.  I learned that the Demob stands for Demobilization. Thanks for scratching that itch, I had wondered what Demob meant. 

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Demob Happy’s trajectory ends up like Nothing But Thieves. I remember seeing them for the first time in this very venue to a small crowd about seven years ago. I can absolutely see Demob Happy playing packed venues like First Avenue in the future. Very excited to see where they go.

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