Atmosphere Tag

Atmosphere (Minneapolis, MN), Danny Brown (Detroit, MI), Souls of Mischief (East Oakland, CA), The Grouch & Eligh w/ DJ Fresh (Oakland, CA), Mr. Dibbs (Cincinnati, Ohio), Breakbeat Lou of Ultimate Breaks & Beats (New York City, NY) Galle

Soundset 2013May 26th, 2013Canterbury Park in Shakopee, MN Music Photo Gallery: Soundset 2013 MusicSecond Photo Gallery: Soundset 2013 Cars, Skaters, and B Boys In only six years, Rhymesayers has created one monster of a hip-hop festival. With attendance estimated at 28,000 people s

Sunday, May 29th marked the fourth year for Rhymesayers Entertainment’s hip-hop festival, Soundset. What started out as a hip-hop festival in the parking lot in front of the Metrodome in 2008 drew more than 20,000 fans to Canterbury Park this year. Sunday’s attendance marked Soundset t