Author: Dan Whitman

Rah Rah (Regina, Saskatchewan)November 21th, 2012Double Door in Chicago, IL What day is it? Why did I eat so much? I once had a friend tell me she had to undo the top button of her pants after a plentiful Thanksgiving dinner. At least I’m not there yet. Right? The term “food coma” ge

Despite the musical vibe of some of our more high-profile, bearded singer-songwriters, Wisconsin isn’t just a bleak and lonely land of secluded log cabins.  We can be a happy, interactive bunch— a beer, a brat and a Packers win can remedy a lot around here.   But when you record a

Taking Back Sunday (Long Island, NY)October 10th, 2012Turner Hall in Milwaukee, WI “Ten years ago we put out an album, Tell All Your Friends.  It goes like this.” And with that humble introduction, Adam Lazzara launched Milwaukee’s Turner Hall into an album-length trip down