Photos + Review: Sum 41 @ The Armory (Minneapolis, MN)
Sum 41 (Ajax, Ont), The Interrupters (Los Angeles, CA), Joey Valence & Brae (PA)April 23rd, 2024The Armory in Minneapolis, MN 30 years of Sum 41 just sounds wrong. Actually, it’s right, but how has that much time passed? Makes me feel old, which is why it seems wrong. The Tour of the Setting
Photos + Review: Set It Off @ The Fillmore (Minneapolis, MN)
Set It Off (Tampa, FL)April 3rd, 2024The Fillmore in Minneapolis, MN April is a special month to me for many reasons. One of them being the anniversary of when I first started my photography. I very much still remember when I got my first DSLR and the time surrounding shooting my first concert. What
Photos + Review: Alkaline Trio @ The Fillmore (Minneapolis, MN)
Alkaline Trio (Chicago, IL)March 18th, 2024The Fillmore in Minneapolis, MN I did not get sick from Matt Skiba, just got to experience a sick show. Alkaline Trio stopped into town this past week, and the second time for me seeing them proved to be wholly on another level from the last time. I alrea
Photos + Review: Neck Deep @ SKYway Theater (Minneapolis, MN)
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Photos + Review: Heart Attack Man @ The Fillmore (Minneapolis, MN)
Heart Attack Man (Cleveland, OH), Hot Mulligan (Lansing, MI)December 14th, 2023The Fillmore in Minneapolis, MN I’m just going to say it: Heart Attack Man is going to be the next biggest band in pop punk. Give it some time. Soon after my time seeing Aqua play at The Fillmore, I was back at the ven
Photos + Review: Aqua @ The Fillmore (Minneapolis, MN)
Aqua (Copenhagen, DK) December 13th, 2023 The Fillmore in Minneapolis, MN Every once and awhile I get reminded about how fun a fun show can be. All shows are inherently fun but for some shows, fun is the draw -or the point. Some shows, particularly metal ones, have a seriousness and virtuosity to th
Photos + Review: Andrew Mcmahon in the Wilderness @ Uptown Theater (Minneapolis, MN)
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (Los Angeles, CA), Michigander (Michigan), Wildermiss (Denver, CO)December 9th, 2023Uptown Theatre in Minneapolis, MN Even after doing this concert photography thing for the better part of a decade (blows my mind as I write that out that it’s been that long already
Photos + Review: Demob Happy @ Turf Club (Minneapolis, MN)
Demob Happy (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)November 15th, 2023Turf Club in Minneapolis, MN Short and sweet, Demob Happy are good. Real good. A rock band from the UK, I went into this show as close to blind as I’ve been in a long while. It had been a bit since my last show so I listen
Photos + Review: Bullet For My Valentine @ The Fillmore (Minneapolis, MN)
Bullet For My Valentine (Bridgend, UK) with Of Mice & Men (Costa Mesa, CA) and Vended (Des Moines, IA)October 24th, 2023The Fillmore in Minneapolis, MN It was a cold rainy night… Nah, no cliches. On what was really a kind of rainy and dreary night in Minneapolis, Bullet for my Valentine d