Photos + Review: Set It Off @ The Fillmore (Minneapolis, MN)
Set It Off (Tampa, FL)
April 3rd, 2024
The Fillmore in Minneapolis, MN
April is a special month to me for many reasons. One of them being the anniversary of when I first started my photography. I very much still remember when I got my first DSLR and the time surrounding shooting my first concert.
What first was just an excuse to not let my new purchase gather dust, has turned into a full fledged love over 8 years and provided so many amazing opportunities that I almost certainly wouldn’t have had if it weren’t for it.
I was able to attend the latest stop at Minneapolis for Set It Off, and it was easily the biggest and best time yet.
One of the coolest counterparts to having done concert photography, and just attend concerts for so long now, are the times you’re able pick out a band and say “I knew them back when.” Set It Off is one of those bands for me. I got to see them play a small 300 capacity venue in 2019, and steadily increase their shows in scope every subsequent time after.
The fact that the type of crowd that packed the Myth when Set it Off were opening for Sum 41 and Simple Plan seemed to transfer over to them headline a venue like The Fillmore, makes me quite happy. Singer Cody Carson talked during the show about how they spend so much time and effort to never get any radio play, only to take a gamble and turn fully indie and with the band’s two newest singles get the biggest and best reception yet, and charting radio play. You could clearly sense the elation, appreciation and how proud Cody was.
One of my favorite parts of a Set It Off show is just how fun it is. There are certain bands and shows where the surrounding aura lends well to feelings of letting go, immersing yourself in the present and not having to worry about anything going on in real life. “Why Worry” perfectly exemplifies those feelings and is always a favorite of mine to see performed live. The crowd interaction seems to always be the best during that song.
Other favorite moments for me was being in the pit for “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead,” which had Cody on drums and Maxx in vocal duty, who seemed to find his voice quite well as the song went on. New song “Punching Bag” went hard and was fun to see as a show ender.
Five years in of seeing this band live, and I’m still excited to see how much farther they go
- Lucas Mengelkochhttps://www.mezzic.com/author/lucasmengelkoch/
- Lucas Mengelkochhttps://www.mezzic.com/author/lucasmengelkoch/
- Lucas Mengelkochhttps://www.mezzic.com/author/lucasmengelkoch/
- Lucas Mengelkochhttps://www.mezzic.com/author/lucasmengelkoch/
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