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Editor’s Note: Today we have a guest contributor coming at us from Frontier Psychiatrist, a site devoted to “urban life, music, food, drink, and culture.” Peter Lillis is on their staff, covering music. Peter and I go back to days debating and talking indie and punk music in Marquett

Zaz (Tours, France)July 30th, 2011Rockwood Music Hall in New York City, New York Everyone gets nervous when landing in a foreign country. You stammer with the semblances of the learnt language in hopes that people can understand you. You stumble around hoping you caught the right metro line to the

Brendan is a Pennsylvania native currently in New York City. He was kind enough to lend us a review of last night’s show at Subterranean in Chicago, which served as the official launch of GigMaven in the city. GigMaven seeks to ease the process of booking shows for local bands with venues. (Photos

Minneapolis’ P.O.S. traversed the St. Croix over to Saint-Ouen just north of Paris’ péripherique highway in support of his stellar Never Better, released earlier this year via Rhymesayers. The club is tucked away but still saw a strong showing including a couple more Minneso