Astronautalis (Minneapolis, MN) and Bleubird (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
January 18th, 2012
L’International in Paris, France
The past few years it’s always a thrill to hear that Astronautalis is coming to town, kinda what you would imagine it’d be like back in the 1880s when the circus would come into town with all its theatrics and performances. His shows are strikingly similar with guaranteed attention-grabbing performances that you dare not shake your attention away from. Paris saw this intensity on Wednesday, kicking off their over a month with only two days off European tour. Despite the lack of the freestyle, which was pro’ly due to the sets being super tight to the point the downtime between bluebird and Astronautalis was only a few minutes, both rappers and longtime friends put on a classic performance that Americans won’t be reliving anytime soon now that Astronautalis is using a live band. The good ole Ronald Regan laptop was dusted off, and shook the beams underneath the bar at L’International once more, leaving people craving for the two to return. Bleubird’s new album CANNONBALL!!! comes out in two days via Circle Into Square. Y’all should definitely check it out, at least for “Black Sandcastles” and “Time 4real.”
Catch the end of the show below. Audio is better than before, but tweaks’ll come in time after that first off test.

Founder, Editor, Writer, Photographer. (Austin, Texas)
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