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Astronautalis (Minneapolis, MN) and Bleubird (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)January 18th, 2012L’International in Paris, France The past few years it’s always a thrill to hear that Astronautalis is coming to town, kinda what you would imagine it’d be like back in the 1880s when the cir

They came by car loads and U-Hauls, traversing state border after state border with acoustic guitars in tow, leaving a frosted Wisconsin for heat and sunshine during spring break. In Austin, you could locate them by the distinct smell of Janesville’s Blue Farm and Watertown’s Detjen’s Meats-or

Minneapolis’ P.O.S. traversed the St. Croix over to Saint-Ouen just north of Paris’ péripherique highway in support of his stellar Never Better, released earlier this year via Rhymesayers. The club is tucked away but still saw a strong showing including a couple more Minneso